天麗國際 Sky Beauteous International Co.

E+MedplusEssential Ampoules 原液精華Moisturizing 補濕蘆薈萃取液 S-439 ALOE EXTRACT


蘊含豐富大量Aloin,具有促進傷口癒合和舒緩疼痛功能,用時是極佳之保濕養劑. 適合任何皮膚使用

Contains a large number of rich Aloin. It promotes wound healing and pain relieves function. It is an excellent moisturizing agent. Suitable for all skin types.


蘊含豐富大量Aloin,具有促進傷口癒合和舒緩疼痛功能,用時是極佳之保濕養劑. 適合任何皮膚使用

Contains a large number of rich Aloin. It promotes wound healing and pain relieves function. It is an excellent moisturizing agent. Suitable for all skin types.

Sky Beauteous International Company All rights reserved 2019.